Evelyn Adler

Voiceover Artist and Actress, Writer, Educator, Staff Developer

New York-based actress, voiceover artist, writer and educator Evelyn Polesny has been in love with words since before she could write them.  Her writing career began at age seven with an ode to a unicorn; today she focuses on reading, writing and performing stories that lift us from darkness to light.  Part and parcel of that work is teaching others, especially young people, to find their voices and the truths they want to illumine -- and to train teachers to find their own voices in 

teaching and writing so that they may open worlds for their own students.

Her work as an educator has always been fueled by her convictions, and she sees her role with students as one that goes beyond just teaching them to write or to read literature.  In teaching them to read reality and art deeply, she also teaches them to think about themselves, their place in the world -— their obligations to themselves and to others.